Forgeline Partners Online with CarBuff Network!

Forgeline is proud to announce our partnership with the CarBuff Network, an exciting new digital hub for connecting enthusiasts, shops, and manufacturers, within the automotive community.Not just another website for car stuff, CarBuff Network is a thoughtfully-conceived, logically-organized, and well-engineered digital platform that provides an interconnected space for manufacturers, shops, & enthusiasts to document vehicles and establish real-world relationships. Thanks to an intuitive tagging feature, CarBuff Network users can document their projects, create detailed build sheets, and establish 2-way interactive connections with the brands, products, and services that are utilized on each project. The resulting network of “endorsements” allows members across the automotive community to create a system of mutual connections while building a powerful database through which site users can discover the best builds, find the ideal parts, and connect with the right people.Forgeline is excited to be part of the CarBuff Network, and we expect that it will serve as an integral tool in our effort to follow and promote the activities of our customers, partners, and peers. Whether you’re an industry professional or an enthusiast, we encourage you to join us on the CarBuff Network and put these powerful tools to work for you too! Find us at:

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